How build abs easily by lying leg raise ?

Tone Your Abs With the Lying Leg Raise

Previously, at whatever point we've asked our elevated amount coaches for abdominal muscle workouts, one activity appears to dependably think that it route into each system: the hanging leg raise. All in all, our masters concur that no workout regimen is finished without easier stomach muscle and hip flexor work, and the leg raise is the most ideal approach to accomplish the employment.

What happens, in any case, when you don't have anything to swing from? You rests on a seat or on the floor, and you perform the following best thing: the lying leg raise. Completed accurately, the lying leg raise offers all the profits of the hanging leg raise—without the need for an overhead bar. Here's the way to join this move into your schedule.

Snappy TIP: Envision your body as one muscle you're attempting to stretch and contract.

The Technique

1. Utilize a seat if there's one accessible. Letting your legs hang off the edge will build your reach of movement

2. Place your hands under your glutes with your palms confronting down. Keep your legs as straight as would be prudent, and hold a dumbbell between your feet in the event that you need included safety.

3. Gradually raise your legs perpendicular to the floor. Hold the constriction at the top for a moment, then gradually bring down your legs to the begin position.


1. Higher weight and volume measures up to greater muscles. Dodge stomach distension by utilizing moderate weights for quality reps.

2. Differ your sets by performing timed holds or by spreading your legs into a V position at the highest point of every rep.

3. Increment the level of trouble by performing leg raises with links or groups.

The Workout: workout is much essential for the abs . Improve workout normally for outcome
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